And so it begins...

 For a moment I considered start with "Once upon a time", but so cliché and boring, because even when I live between the world of books, where everything magical can happen, I also live in the real world, where magical things also happen, but not fairytale style, more grounding, keeping your feet on the floor, back to earth.

Hi! it's very nice to meet you, my name is Dulce, and I used to blog a few years ago, mainly sharing book reviews and comparisons between books and series or movie adaptations. Unfortunately job happened, and I had to stop blogging due to privacy and so on, the people there didn't like social media too much, I mean it was ok that I took lots of pictures on the events, but of course it was not ok to take personal pictures and share them on the internet.

So I quit blogging and also uploading videos on youtube -which in fact was not a big deal since my channel barely existed with 100 subs, and I could say the same about the blog, but I really enjoyed share the books that I read, the ones that I loved and the ones that I completely disliked.

Thankfully I'm not in that place anymore, unemployed but responsible of the home running, and let me tell you, before I used to think oh it's not a big deal, but damn you are finishing with breakfast when you have to start to plan the lunch and so on, It's a never ending game that can become a little bit boring if you don't take time for yourself and do things that please you.

That's why I do love so much books, my little refuge.

A year and a half I opened a tiktok account and I started to share tarot readings, I also undusted my old channel and started to share there too.

But the truth is that I feel like it's not working, like nothing is working to be completely honest. I'm starting a Podcast in which I'm going to talk about books, and I also feel the need to start this blog, because I missed to write quite a lot. I didn't realized how much until yesterday, while I was writing the script for the first episode of the podcast and I spend a few minutes looking at old blogs that I used to follow religiously. 

Some people may say this is a lost cause, that what is the point, I also told myself this last night, and still...and still I'm here, writing these lines that probably nobody is going to read, I mean we have journaling on iphone now, what else do I need? But I don't like the feeling of writing in the phone to much, I'm old school, I need my notebooks for truly personal stuff, and my keyboard and old computer to reviews and recommendations. 

So if you're reading this, I hope (with all my black little heart) that we can become friends, that we can share our love for books, and series, and movies, and maybe music, who knows?

Be Welcome! 


  1. Hola Dulce! I feel the same way about feeling like blogging is pretty much pointless now, but I'm here and I will try to read what you have to say whenever you post. I also have a couple of blogs (one for tarot and one for books), and I will continue writing them even if it's just for me. I've started and deleted and started more blogs, channels, and podcasts than I can remember, lol. Excited to see more activity from you (but no pressure).

    1. Glad to read I'm not the only one who feels like this about blogging, but for some reason I've been missing more and more to blog. I used to have one, Curiosities and Tales a while ago, and stupidly deleted it for job situations, thank you so much Maritza for your encouragement and for taking the time to read my silly post :)


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